Dear members and friends of Drivers of Educational Technology/California Higher Education (DET/CHE):
Join us at the Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel, November 29 to December 2. Mark your calendars!
2022 has been a year of return: DET/CHE members are hosting in-person classes on campus, working on-site, monitoring the changing pandemic and striving to understand and attain the “normal operations” we anticipate as nearly at hand. Join us as we gather for our 37th Annual conference.
James W. Marshall’s discovery of gold in Cullumah Valley of the Nisenan Indians in 1848 ignited the California Gold Rush. This unexpected event spawned several years of focused behavior which had both negative and positive impacts at a national scale. This year we’ll share our discoveries as some of us returned to our physical campuses, while others transitioned away from them. How did you reconnect? What new areas and ideas did you explore? We invite you to submit a conference presentation proposal and share those stories with the DET/CHE community.
Drivers of Educational Technology/California Higher Education (DET/CHE) is a dynamic organization committed to providing professional growth for its membership. Since its beginning in 1985, DET/CHE has emerged as a major force in bringing together academic technology leaders from California’s public and private colleges and universities.
DET/CHE offers a unique opportunity for educational technology leaders from the California Community Colleges, the California State University, the University of California, and private institutions to network, stay current, and create lasting connections with each other, as well as with colleagues in industry. DET/CHE is a welcoming community that encourages presentations and participation from established, emerging, and aspiring educational technology leaders throughout California’s higher educational systems.
Drivers of Educational Technology/California Higher Education enables participants to champion the goals of higher education as they share insights and opportunities to deliver relevant resources to our campuses, collaborate with colleagues across our campuses and industry, be fiscally responsible, facilitate the enhancement of student learning, and continue to lead innovation.
DET/CHE 2022 Speaker Proposals are due by Friday, September 9th. Proposals may be submitted in any of the following formats:
- General Sessions
20-minute presentations, clustered together by the conference committee into complementary topics; a closing 10-minute session in each cluster will launch a continuing conversation between the presenters and the audience - Panel Discussions
45 minutes – for a diverse group of colleagues you bring together to discuss a topic important to DET/CHE members - Lightning Rounds
8-10 minutes to showcase an interesting project in a lively style - New this year! Unconference Sessions
60-minute informal discussions on topics driven by attendee interest
We want to hear your stories of connection, introspection, exploration, and discovery. Please share your story with the DET/CHE family on any of the following:
- Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Educational Technology Innovations
- All Course Delivery Modalities
- Equity, Inclusion and Belonging in Learning Environments
- Technology-Enhanced Learning Initiatives
- Academic Technology Strategy/Leadership
- Faculty and Staff Development
- Learning Spaces
- Digital/Media Services
It’s easy to submit a proposal! Just complete the proposal form by September 9th. Accepted presenters will be notified the week of October 10th.
Registration will begin September 1st – only $325! We also have a number of scholarships reserved for first-time attendees: please contact Liesl Boswell ( for additional information.
Save the dates now: November 29-December 2, 2022. DET/CHE 37 in Sacramento, CA.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Bryan Best
DET/CHE Vice President